Every time I hear any of our politicians announce ‘I have a plan to re-open our state’, and then they post some long convoluted strategy for that re-opening that is replete with all kinds of stepped processes with restrictions and warnings, I cringe. My insides get so twisted up and bent out of shape as the rage and furor spreads through my body over the audacity, boldness, arrogance, and overall meaning of that statement that my body shakes in rage as my blood pressure boils (and then my diverticulitis kicks in and I spend an hour in the bathroom). Let me explain…
The fact is that the people that took our rights away by ordering private businesses closed and people to stay at home as well as wear certain things and dictate how to do things under threat had NO RIGHT TO DO SO. Our Government is not there to order us as subjects with regard to what we can or cannot do even in the face of disaster or manmade pandemic (yes, manmade because the cold facts never supported the kind of response we have seen related to Covid 19). We defeated that line of ruling during the Revolutionary War, where many, many people died to establish some freedoms, and preserve the inalienable freedoms that every person enjoys simply by being born. These freedoms were all very specifically addressed in this great document that nobody ever reads anymore, and is certainly no longer taught in schools, called the Constitution.
In that document, you have rights to protect yourself, to earn a living, to protect your reputation, to speak your mind, to act to preserve your rights (with force, if necessary), to not have your belongings taken from you by government without just compensation, to practice your religion without interference, to privacy, to travel freely, to have an education if you want one, to have and make choices that pertain to you, to have representation, and to remove that representation if it is defective. Trust me, it is all in there, and on top of it all, that government document that founded our nation also states that no government entity or man shall ever be able to remove those rights from you. The reason why is because most of those rights are inalienable rights bestowed upon you at birth.
Under those circumstances you would certainly think that the politicians on both sides of the aisle would have at least read that document that they have sworn to uphold and protect on our behalf, and that they would adhere to that oath. Yet, we still have politicians on both sides of the aisle that are proposing re-opening plans for our States, that resemble a systematic business plan run by dictators that come complete with an instruction manual for how to do things at the peril of punishment if they are not followed.
We are not a war zone, though this author would debate over whether we have been at war for years because of these politicians, and we are not prisoners despite how our political REPRESENTATIVES feel about us and have been treating us. With that being said, they HAD NO RIGHT TO SHUT US DOWN IN THE FIRST PLACE.
When you, as the American people, turn around and accept these ‘re-opening’ plans, you are actually giving credence to the fact that these politicians had the authority to shut us down. Now, I am sure these politicians think they are doing the right thing by coming up with these plans, but they also know, that if a plan is accepted, then the people are complacently letting them off the hook for their transgression upon our rights. After all, if we willingly accept and abide by their plan, doesn’t that mean that we condone their past behaviors? These politicians are also looking to ‘save face’ to state they actually did something to liberate us from the environment to which they enslaved us in the first place. The alternative would be to have to face scorn and retribution at the polls during the next election, which would certainly happen if a politician with sense just said, ‘I apologize for our transgressions, please go back to what you were doing, with the recommendation that you take precautions knowing there is a virus out there that you have about a 1% chance of catching, and if you do, you may have a 2% chance of dying. Recommendations is all we should have been making in the first place.”
I implore you, American people, do NOT, give credibility to their unlawfulness of violating their oath to us. Do not accept their shut down plans. Go back to work if you feel safe to do so, open your businesses, and tell them to butt out of the places they don’t belong. They don’t run your businesses…YOU DO. They don’t pay your bills, or taxes…YOU DO. They don’t get sick if you do, and they won’t pay for your funereal expenses or your house….YOU DO.
They do not have the right to tell you how to manage your life, but you do.
Either we re-open, or we don’t…but that choice should be up to each, individual person based on their own circumstances and risk tolerances, not based on some plan to save someone face and rescue us from a situation that the planner initially caused. It doesn’t require walking through a mine field and jumping through hoops to get our rights back as if we are prisoners of war. WE are our own rulers as individuals. Don’t give them the credibility for the actions they are seeking.
What can you do about it, you may ask? There are plenty of things:
- You can arm yourselves, form and army, storm the towns and capitals, arrest those that infringed upon you, and take back your states. Or, simply re-open your businesses and go about your business and defend yourself against anyone that comes to stop you.
- On a more peaceful note, you can just go out, open your businesses and conduct yourself as you see fit and send a clear message to these oppressive politicians that they are not stopping you no matter what. Accept the tickets, don’t pay the fines, and make them send armies to shut you down. They can’t ticket and fine everybody…they don’t have enough police, paper, forces, or judicial resources to do all of that, and there are organizations like ours just waiting to step in and help.
- Never forget what they did, and join with organizations like ours and allow us to support you by filing individual and class action suits over the damages these governors have caused by unlawfully taking your property…business income, rights, and more.
- Push you legislators to enact laws that strip the powers of governors and medical secretaries from ever being able to shut this country down again without a full majority vote from ALL of the members of Congress rather than just one man or woman. (This will only work if there are any legislators out there that still are upholding the oaths they swore.)
- Remember them at the polls and vote for common people, not polished politicians. Vote for reform for all government representatives. Call for pay reductions and severe changes to our electoral processes that include term limits for everyone.
- Do all of the above.
… it’s your choice, as well as your right.
Just commenting to register my support. Your opinion is well structured Great job!