Prison Reform

We tackle the issue of prison reform in two ways: Policy change in how prisons operate, and prisoner education and rehabilitation.

The Prison industrial complex is a $90B per year operation. It is a quagmire and revolving door on society, and operated at the expense of every tax payer. It is also a cesspool ripe with abuse. The fact is that our prison system, which is the largest in the world, is so top heavy that populations can’t be reduced without it adversely effecting the economy. It costs the same amount of money to operate a prison that is half full it does to operate a full prison and our government and private industries just keep building more and more prisons to warehouse people. The criminal justice system does not want to decrease prison populations; they need the populations to remain high in order to support the overblown system that it has become. Most other countries have house arrest, even long term, for non-violent offenders. Our country does not.

Prisons have the ability to become self sufficient and operate without relying on the tax paying society. They choose not to. They also have the ability to completely reform people with the criminal mindset but a prison’s entire approach is not that of instruction and constructively building people into better people, but specifically tearing people down and thrusting them back out into a unforgiving world without the survival skills needed to replace the criminal tendencies of those that have already transgressed those boundaries to begin with.

We recognize that prisons are a needed resource within our society, and that some people do need to be locked away behind bars.

In our prison policy change programs we tackle civil rights issues in which prisoners are being abused. We investigate and provide representation and mediation with prison systems that will agree to mediate the issues. In addition, we offer prisons plans and policy change guidelines to end degrading and abusive behavior as well as how to become less reliant on society and more reliant on themselves and building positive people that can contribute to society rather than destroy it. We do take legal action against prisons from time to time, to effectuate change, but would much rather work with our systems to improve them.

Under our prisoner reform programs to stave off recidivism, we believe education is key. Prisoner education reduces the chance a prisoner will return to jail by over 40%, which amounts to a savings in prison costs on society by $4 to 5$ for every dollar spent on education. We offer counseling services to prisoners, and re-entry services to people returned to society. Our services are available to prisoners, whether they are still in prison, just released, or released 10 and even 20 years ago, as we understand that adjustments take a lifelong effort and help may not be needed just once.  In addition, we provide educational materials, books, and even funding for higher education correspondence courses for those that are incarcerated.


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